How do I register my child?
Go to "Registration Info", then "Available Programs". A list of Divisions that are open for registration will show. Click on "Register Now" go to to get the started.
Once I have registered, can I go back in and volunteer to coach or be a Team Parent?
Yes. We are always looking for volunteers! Simply log back into the site, click on "Volunteer" in the left hand column, then "Find Volunteer Roles". Select the Division you wish to volunteer, then "View Selected Opportunities". Select the opportunity and fill out the form.
How is age determined in Little League?
For Baseball and Challenger Programs, the ballplayer's age is determined by their age on Aug 31 of the current season year. For Girls' Softball it is based on their age on Jan 1 of the current season year. For your reference, the 2025 season age charts are available for
Softball, and
Note: for Fall Ball, the age is determined by the following season year. This allows the ballpayers to get an early start at the next level.
Based on my child's age, he/she is eligible for 2 different Divisions. Which one do I register for?
If you are unsure which Division, send an email to
[email protected] and we will guide you to the correct person who can help you decide.
What days/nights and times will practices and games be?
We have indicated in
League Descriptions pages when we expect practices and games will be, but sometimes we have to make changes to accommodate the numbers of teams we have and the fields available for those teams to play on.
Where will practices and games be?
Mostly at our complex at 99 Lyndon Rd in Fairport. There will be some exceptions. Some practices may be held at other area fields, such as Potter Park. Some Divisions will play opponents from other towns, so there may be "away" games. Typically this will only be for ages 9 and up for baseball, but all ages for softball. Challenger games will take place on field 8 at our complex (directly in front of the Concession Stand).
How can I get help with registering?
Send an email to
[email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please be sure to include your child's birthday and what Division you are trying to register in.
OK, I have registered. When should we hear something?If you don't hear anything right away, don't worry. We are very busy forming leagues, building rosters, assigning coaches, and building schedules for the season. With more than 50 teams to do, it takes some time. You should start hearing from either the League Director or your Coach by late March.
When do practices and games start?
12 and under leagues: Practices start in 2nd or 3rd week of April (depending on weather and field conditions). Games start on Opening Day (Saturday, April 26 this year). Some leagues may start games the week prior.
13 and up leagues: Practices will start in mid-April for Softball and May for Baseball. Games will start in May for both.
What is the refund policy?
Prior to March 1st: Full refund
March 1st or later: Full refund minus $50
April 15th or later: No refund
Still have questions? Email
[email protected] and we will get them answered.